mardi 16 août 2016

Exciting New Choral Work Seeks Supporters

Exciting New Choral Work Seeks Supporters


Crowdfunding is everywhere...

...but.... don't see many (or any) crowd-funded choral works. So - to help support the creative process and also stage a large scale premiere of a new work, composer Christof Davis is attempting to gain support for the writing and premiere of a large scale choral composition. 

Everyone who donates to the project (however much) will get a chance to either sing in or attend the world premiere performance in March next year which will also be professionally recorded. The premiere will also feature a retiring collection, all of which will be donated to Cancer Research UK - along with any donations above and beyond what is needed to fund the work and the premiere.

If I could ask for a few minutes of your time to have a look at the information about the project and then to consider making a donation - I would really appreciate it. You will find full details about the project and how it will work here:

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch - but hopefully all the information you might need is on the page. If you feel able to donate, you will be helping to fund new writing in a very personal way - what better way to give yourself a warm and fuzzy feeling!

Thanks for your time and best wishes to you,

Chris Davis

artsjobs ref 179882

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Exciting New Choral Work Seeks Supporters

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