mardi 14 février 2017

With Paper For Feet on Tour - Kensington

With Paper For Feet on Tour - Kensington, Arachne Press


North Kensington Library Sat 4/3/17 2pm

Jennifer A McGowan reads from her new collection With Paper for Feet which draws together her poetry of myth and folktale, and the frailties – human and otherwise – behind them. With Paper For Feet explores, mostly from a female perspective, the guts it takes to live or – often – die, un-heroically. Her characters laugh, argue, complain, suffer, curse,

…Gold is heavy,

and it chafes…

aware that more is expected of them, but unwilling to play up.

Jennifer explores many voices including the women of Troy & many of Shakespeare’s characters, as well as poems based in other cultures including France, Africa & China.

108 Ladbroke Grove
North Kensington, London
W11 1PZ

Free but please book via EventBrite

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With Paper For Feet on Tour - Kensington

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