mardi 21 février 2017

Action Research Evaluation Project / Big Brum TIE / West Midlands


Big Brum TIE have just begun a two year action research project to better understand the impact of our work and explore how our work fits with the needs of schools, in the context of significant changes within the education sector. This will enable us to shape the future development of the company. This project has been funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

We have commissioned People and Organisation Ltd to work with us to develop an evaluation framework, tools and methods for measuring the impact of our work on young people, teachers and schools. They have also brought in the expertise of Rebbecca Hemmings from Strawberry Words and Iris Bertz and we will also be working with an advisory group, made up of  teachers, researchers, Big Brum Board members and others involved in the arts and the education sectors.

Big Brum has delivered Theatre in Education (TIE) programmes for 35 years, working with thousands of children and young people across all age ranges and abilities. The Company’s approach involves using theatre and drama to explore deep questions and concepts with young people, helping them to make meaning of their lives, better understand the world around them and improve their educational outcomes.

We will be sharing our findings and evaluation methods at various points throughout the project. We hope this project will generate useful information and evaluation tools for other TIE and arts education companies and schools. We would love to hear from anyone who has done similar action research and evaluation projects.

Do you want to find out more?

If you would like to hear more about our action research evaluation project as it progresses please email and she will add you to a mailing list to receive updates. Please let her know if you’d just like to hear about the evaluation project or if you’d also like our regular newsletter about our work.

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Action Research Evaluation Project / Big Brum TIE / West Midlands

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