dimanche 26 juin 2016

Writers' Days at Beamish Museum


Writers’ Days – 5th and 14th July – Apply Now!

Writers – Would you like the chance to explore Beamish Museum, including behind the scenes access and a festival of all things 50s?  I’m looking for people to take part in two days of activities on Tuesday 5th July and Thur 14th July – there’ll be some warm-up/free writing exercises, chance to explore your preferred areas and  time to write.  It’s an opportunity to visit the museum, learn about its exhibits, access the vast resources available on site and be inspired to generate new material in response. There is no charge for taking part and following the visit you’re welcome to send your responses for inclusion on the blog and/or guest blog about your experience.

There is a limited number of places and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

The writers’ days are part of a series of activity connected to my role as writer in residence at Beamish Museum, generously funded by the Leverhulme Trust Artist in Residence Scheme.

To take part:

Send me an email (rjsharrock@hotmail.co.uk) with the following info:

Name and a contact telephone number

A couple of lines about you (just to tell me what kind of writing you do and what you’re interested in)

A first, second and third choice for your preferred area of the museum to explore from the following:

* 1900s Town

* Pockerley

* Pit Village & Colliery

* Fairground and Railway Station

* The 1940s Farm

I look forward to hearing from you!


artsjobs ref 176859

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Writers' Days at Beamish Museum

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