mercredi 8 juin 2016

Sonophilia Feastival 2016 Seeks Sound Art Submissions


Sonophilia is Lincoln’s festival of sound and music with an emphasis on fun for all ages.

Artists are invited to produce a piece of sound art to be exhibited on Lincoln High Street over the course of Sept 30th to Oct 7th.

This is a unique opportunity for artists to exhibit work in the historic city of Lincoln in a very centralised location.

A budget of £2,000 is available to aid in production of the selected work.

All proposals will be subject to a selection panel and should be submitted to:

Deadline for submission is 13th June at 10:00am.

For more information contact the Sonophilia team.

artsjobs ref 175699

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Sonophilia Feastival 2016 Seeks Sound Art Submissions

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