mercredi 29 juin 2016

Birmingham: Centrifuge Music Network meets up for the 36 time!

Birmingham: Centrifuge Music Network meets up for the 36 time!, centrifuge


Fizzle presents
CENTRIFUGE No. 36 Birmingham

Centrifuge brings together an exciting collection of improvising musicians based across the North and Midlands. Coming from a wide spectrum of musical backgrounds, and working within different musical practices, they will combine in various small groupings to deliver a program of freely improvised music.

Since an inaugural meeting in October 2008 Centrifuge has been organising concerts, workshops, and festival appearances, featuring many leading improvisers based north of the capitol. Current events, taking place in Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Lancaster, and Crewe are almost a monthly occurrence, this is the fifth visit to Birmingham and Fizzle.

Participants in Centrifuge No. 36 are -
Andrew Woodhead Keyboard

Bruce Coates Reeds

Ian Simpson Guitar

Mark Summers Bass Clarinet

Martin Archer Reeds. Electronics

Mike Hurley Piano

Phil Hargreaves Sax

Phil Lucking Trumpets

Phil Morton Accidents & Treatments

Phil Rowland Trumpet

Richard Scott, Violin

Shaun Blezard Electonics

Walt Shaw Percussion

Centrifuge: where creative forces meet.

Monday July 4th 2016


157 Barford St

Birmingham B5 6AH

7.45 pm          £5.00 OTD

artsjobs ref 177038

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Birmingham: Centrifuge Music Network meets up for the 36 time!

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