lundi 29 mai 2017

Ritual, Astrology & Performance / Astrology for Artists / London / London


Please join us for an Astrology for Artists event @Chisenhale Dance

Saturday 10th of June 1pm - 5pm 
Tickets: £25 * * purchase in advance essential * * 

By sharing her artistic and astrological practices Madeleine will establish the connections between performance, astrology and how they relate to ritual, enchantment, defamiliarization, the sacred and most important an experience of a liminal state.

Being an artist is a journey that connects us with who we are, the same as astrology which is a system in constant movement and which show us the potential of who we can become.

When we create work we are expanding our mind, our physique, our emotions, we are finding new ways of communicating and thinking about ourselves, we are in some way facing the unknown, meaning a transitional experience that takes us creatively from one order to another. This workshop is an exploration to leave the door open to the unknown – that’s where the most important things come from, where you yourself come from and where you’ll go.

As Rebecca Solnit wrote in ​The Field Guide of Getting Lost​ ‘I Have Lost Myself Though I Know Where I Am’. After reading her book I kept asking myself – How can we assert ourselves while being lost? Or when we perform? Where does that assertiveness come from?

The workshop will primarily feature a combination of performance acts and activities, astrological understanding focusing on Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, each participant will be given an astrological task during the workshop and we’ll be doing some physical and sensorial exercises to awaken the body, bringing dynamism and aiming to question the transformative power of performance.

Please email the following birth details to after you have purchased your ticket: Day, Month, Year / City, Country / Exact time (from birth certificate)

artsjobs ref 197970

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Ritual, Astrology & Performance / Astrology for Artists / London / London

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