mardi 11 octobre 2016

Compose for Quatuor Bozzini on Embedded


Sound and Music is thrilled to be partnering with Quatuor Bozzini and Sound Festival as part of this Embedded opportunity for two UK composers to join two Canadian peers taking part in Composer's Kitchen in the 2017 exchange.

During this project the composers will have the opportunity to spend time working closely with the quartet in workshops in Montreal and the UK, developing their skills in writing for this ensemble and having their completed works performed as part of a special concerts in Montreal and atSound Festival, Scotland's Festival of new music.

This unique professional development opportunity revolving around the string quartet is a combination of workshop, laboratory, playground and masterclass. The project is focused on your artistic development, and both Sound and Music and Quatuor Bozzini will provide support to help you explore your ideas and creative practice.  

To apply, visit or email 

Deadline: 2nd Nov 2016 

artsjobs ref 183365

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Compose for Quatuor Bozzini on Embedded

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