mercredi 7 juin 2017

Can feedback be fun? / Root Experience / South East / Brighton

  • South East, Brighton
  • dance, interdisciplinary arts, theatre, visual arts
  • Jessica Cheetham


Theatre seems to suffer from a lack of conversation about the work we make. Audiences leave shows feeling great, angry, indifferent depending on whether they like the work or not. And beyond either buying a ticket again or not for that company when they make a new show in 2 years time - there is no way that the audience gets to tell you what they think.

But what if there was a way of giving and receiving feedback that felt fun for the audience and the artist? What if you could get creative responses from children and adults about certain moments in your show, alongside audience email and demographic data?

We want this feedback platform to be playful - using selfies, videos and conversations as well as standard tick-box forms - and targeted - answering specific questions knowing how we will harness the answers for the next project and our ongoing facilitation work.

We don't know how it will work yet. But we don't want to reinvent the wheel. If you've found that you are using a great technique - please tell us about it! Let's share the tools that really help audiences. Or, if you do use feedback methods but think they work - tell us too! We want to create a revolution in audience development and feedback for the whole industry. The feedback you give us (ironic...I know...maybe we're getting obsessed with all this feedback...) will directly shape this need in the industry for better audience engagement tools, that we can feel, and sense emotionally but don't have any facts or figures to back up this need. Be part of making something great which gets more audiences passionate about theatre.

Please answer this short 5 minute questionnaire on how you work with audiences to get feedback during or after your performances

artsjobs ref 198495

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Can feedback be fun? / Root Experience / South East / Brighton

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