mardi 20 juin 2017

10th July FREE Class: A Taste of The Meisner Technique / Both Feet / Yorkshire / Leeds

10th July FREE Class: A Taste of The Meisner Technique, Both Feet

  • Yorkshire, Leeds
  • combined arts, dance, film, interdisciplinary arts, theatre, acting
  • Stephanie Upsall


FREE Class: Monday 10th July, 7-9pm

Both Feet is a training collective passionate about the craft of truthful and engaging acting rooted in the highly respected exercises taught by Sanford Meisner, known as "The Meisner Technique".

"Every actor should subscribe to your Meisner workshops" 
~ Casting Director, Nicci Topping, Nicci Topping Casting (Topps Casting)

Who’s it for: Professional actors wanting to develop their skills and find authenticity, depth and truth in their acting. You must be a professional actor or seriously working towards a career in acting. If in doubt as to whether you are eligible, please get in touch (

Our taster classes give us a chance to meet each other, to see if we're a good fit. It's an opportunity to try before you buy! You'll get a feel for how we run our classes, an overview of the technique and our training programme. Come and have a peak and see if this technique is for you!

Find out more about usabout the work and check the diary for the next Introduction to Meisner course.

"I can't stress enough how great this training is. I'm currently half way through the Core Meisner Technique course and already feel transformed as an actor, both in my ability and approach. I look forward to each class with a giddiness and a nervousness that I've not felt since I first started acting." ~ Peter Carruthers, actor, writer, director and film maker

Class sizes are deliberately kept small in all of our regular training so you receive focused learning and individualised attention.


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10th July FREE Class: A Taste of The Meisner Technique / Both Feet / Yorkshire / Leeds

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