vendredi 20 mai 2016

Connect: Resound Gathering - Music, Tech, Learning, 29 June


Connect: Resound 2016  - NYMAZ Remote Music Learning Network Gathering

Wednesday 29 June 2016
York St John University, York

How can technology increase access to music education opportunities for children and young people facing geographic and other barriers?

Can young people have a rich, high quality experience of instrumental education and music in performance online?

The first ever Connect: Resound gathering will be held in summer 2016. The event is intended  for anyone with an interest in delivering music education online, from instrumental lessons delivered over the internet, to live broadcasts of music performance.

This one-day event will include talks, workshops and opportunities to share practice and skills with other music education professionals. We will explore different technologies and applications, and discover new ways of providing more children and young people with music education opportunities.

Music Hub Managers/Instrumental Instructors/Primary and Secondary Music Teachers/Arts Organisations/Music leaders and practitioners/Local Authorities/Funders/Policy Makers/Researchers/Other interested parties across all areas of arts and music education and uses of technology in the arts.

£40/£35 (reduced rate for members of the NYMAZ Remote Music Learning Network)

Book your place at

For more info visit:

artsjobs ref 174389

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Connect: Resound Gathering - Music, Tech, Learning, 29 June

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