dimanche 17 juillet 2016

LOOSE CATTLE Exhibition of Large Painted Glass Panels


Title: Loose Cattle: An Exhibition of Large Painted Glass Panels. 

 Artist: Surinder Warboys


 The Nehru Centre,

South Audley Street,

London W1K 1HE



 From 6th to 9th September 2016

 Tel. Nehru Centre: 0207 7491 3567

 Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 10 am - 5 pm 

 Free admission

Open Artist's Evening:  6 pm - 8 pm, 5th September 2016 to which you are cordially invited.

The purpose for the September exhibition is to showcase new, large scale, approximately 1m sq., painted and fused works on glass, to draw attention of curators for viewing, with an invitation to host a touring exhibition of these works. In addition to the exhibition I would provide an illustrated talk and offer a workshop in glass painting for both adults and children.

 Please email expressions of interest to: surinder@myglassroom.com

 If you are planning to visit this exhibition in a professional capacity as a curator/gallerist please include name, organization and an indication of expenses required for making the visit.

 Dead line: 29th of July 2016

artsjobs ref 178146

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LOOSE CATTLE Exhibition of Large Painted Glass Panels

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